
25 Funny Lies Parents Have Told Their Kids

funny parenting tweet the lies we tell kids

These innocent lies are so clever, I’m just gonna go ahead and call them brilliant parenting hacks. Besides Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny, what other lies have you told your kids?

I still remember some of the innocent lies my parents told me as a kid. Of course, they weren’t meant to deceive us children, but to help the parents handle us better. It’s hard to make a kid understand he can’t have any more ice cream because there’s too much sugar in it. Sometimes, it’s just easier to tell them it’s illegal, spicy, or that it tastes like broccoli. These parents shared on Twitter some of the funny lies they’ve told their kids, and they’ll make your day. Check out the hilarious parenting tweets and share the fun with your friends!

1. This is really a brilliant parenting hack.

funny parenting tweet the lies we tell kids

2. 4PM sounds like a good time to go to bed.

funny parenting tweet the lies we tell kids

3. It does make sense!

funny parenting tweet the lies we tell kids

4. Adult chocolate is a thing!

funny parenting tweet the lies we tell kids

5. This is not lying, but good parenting.

funny parenting tweet the lies we tell kids

6. 19 years she believed this lie!

funny parenting tweet the lies we tell kids

7. Ouch! This is so bad!

funny parenting tweet the lies we tell kids

8. That's a good idea!

funny parenting tweet the lies we tell kids

9. A fun parenting hack!

funny parenting tweet the lies we tell kids

10. A hack for the parents who are tired of baby shark.

funny parenting tweet the lies we tell kids

11. It IS princess food!

funny parenting tweet the lies we tell kids

12. Brilliant! Such a good idea!

funny parenting tweet the lies we tell kids

13. Does this hack work for husbands, too?

funny parenting tweet the lies we tell kids

14. Those raccoons!

funny parenting tweet the lies we tell kids

15. All parents try to be honest with their kids...

funny parenting tweet the lies we tell kids

16. Funny!

funny parenting tweet the lies we tell kids

17. Oreos are spicy! So funny!

funny parenting tweet the lies we tell kids

18. A brilliant Dad, and a clueless kid.

funny parenting tweet the lies we tell kids

19. You mean they do?

funny parenting tweet the lies we tell kids

20. Maybe the raccoons got them...

funny parenting tweet the lies we tell kids

21. This...

funny parenting tweet the lies we tell kids

22. Hilarious!

funny parenting tweet the lies we tell kids

23. Whatever works!

funny parenting tweet the lies we tell kids

24. We could do that!

funny parenting tweet the lies we tell kids

25. So funny!

funny parenting tweet the lies we tell kids

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