
25 Creepy Easter Bunnies That Will Keep You Up At Night

Scary Easter Bunny Vintage Costume Creepy

If you grew up in the 70s, 80s, or 90s, you probably remember these vintage Easter bunnies. Unless you suppressed those memories, as they sure were creepy.

Whenever I look over my childhood photos and I see the creepy Easter bunny and Santa costumes, I kinda understand why my generation has so many issues. Man, they were scary! They looked terrible, and I can’t believe parents didn’t see that. Or maybe they did and thought “meh, let’s just scar these kids for life.” If you need a reason to stay up tonight, check out this nostalgic gallery of vintage Easter bunnies, and share it with everyone who might have forgotten all about them.

1. Such a creepy Easter Bunny!

Scary Easter Bunny Vintage Costume Creepy

2. Why are you crying, kids?

Scary Easter Bunny Vintage Costume Creepy

3. I think we've just found something worse than creepy clowns.

Scary Easter Bunny Vintage Costume Creepy

4. Of course the Easter Bunny is real!

Scary Easter Bunny Vintage Costume Creepy

5. Are those supposed to be its... teeth?

Scary Easter Bunny Vintage Costume Creepy

6. This trend may explain a lot of the issues of our generation.

Scary Easter Bunny Vintage Costume Creepy

7. Where are its eyes?!

Scary Easter Bunny Vintage Costume Creepy

8. Believe in the Easter Bunny, or it will haunt you forever.

Scary Easter Bunny Vintage Costume Creepy

9. So creepy...

Scary Easter Bunny Vintage Costume Creepy

10. That costume looks more suitable for Halloween. Or robbing a bank.

Scary Easter Bunny Vintage Costume Creepy

11. Keep the kids away from the creepy Easter Bunny.

Scary Easter Bunny Vintage Costume Creepy

12. These costumes really were scary. Whoever designed them really hated kids.

Scary Easter Bunny Vintage Costume Creepy

13. Terrible.

Scary Easter Bunny Vintage Costume Creepy

14. I think they're trying to run for their lives.

Scary Easter Bunny Vintage Costume Creepy

15. This is so funny!

Scary Easter Bunny Vintage Costume Creepy

16. Oh, God...

Scary Easter Bunny Vintage Costume Creepy

17. She looks EXACTLY like a bunny.

Scary Easter Bunny Vintage Costume Creepy

18. This is so creepy! Poor kid!

Scary Easter Bunny Vintage Costume Creepy

19. Awful costume...

Scary Easter Bunny Vintage Costume Creepy

20. This photo will keep me up tonight.

Scary Easter Bunny Vintage Costume Creepy

21. OMG

Scary Easter Bunny Vintage Costume Creepy

22. The eyes on this Easter Bunny will haunt me.

Scary Easter Bunny Vintage Costume Creepy

23. The little kid knows that's not the Easter Bunny.

Scary Easter Bunny Vintage Costume Creepy

24. Easter Bunny... terrorizing kids since forever.

Scary Easter Bunny Vintage Costume Creepy

25. Of course it's real! Real creepy.

Scary Easter Bunny Vintage Costume Creepy

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