
Woman Gives Her Mother In Law A Fake Key Copy To Her House And “Exposes” Her On Christmas

aita story mother in law throws tantrum over fake key

Some people have no respect for boundaries…

Let me just start by expressing how grateful I am for having an amazing Mother-in-law. She raised the amazing man I married, thought him to be respectful and kind, and I owe her my happiness. However, not everyone is as blessed as I am. Many people have complicated relationships with their in-laws, and the tensions can even cause marriages to break up.

Building a good relationship with a spouse’s parents takes time and effort. On both sides. Even if you don’t like each other, you must respect your in-laws, as they have to respect you. Because you both love the person that brought you all together – your spouse who is their child. This woman and her mother-in-law have found themselves in the center of a drama after she gave her husband’s mom a fake key to their house. Read the whole story below:

After she kept pushing, this woman gave her MIL a fake key to her house.

aita story mother in law throws tantrum over fake key
aita story mother in law throws tantrum over fake key
aita story mother in law throws tantrum over fake key
aita story mother in law throws tantrum over fake key
aita story mother in law throws tantrum over fake key

After the whole thing blew up, her husband sided with his mother, and now she's asking the Internet if she was wrong to trick her MIL. Here's what people thought:

aita story mother in law throws tantrum over fake key
aita story mother in law throws tantrum over fake key
aita story mother in law throws tantrum over fake key
aita story mother in law throws tantrum over fake key
aita story mother in law throws tantrum over fake key
aita story mother in law throws tantrum over fake key
aita story mother in law throws tantrum over fake key
aita story mother in law throws tantrum over fake key
aita story mother in law throws tantrum over fake key

People think she was right, and everyone agrees that she didn’t expose her mother-in-law, and she actually exposed herself. Also, her husband was wrong to side with his Mom.

aita story mother in law throws tantrum over fake key
aita story mother in law throws tantrum over fake key
aita story mother in law throws tantrum over fake key
aita story mother in law throws tantrum over fake key
aita story mother in law throws tantrum over fake key

Maybe she went a little too far, but her MIL clearly has no respect for boundaries and personal space. And it seems that her family just lets her be, without ever saying anything about her inappropriate behavior. Whereas for the husband, he should have definitely sided with his wife. I don’t see much happiness in their future, to be honest.

What do you think? Who was wrong? Share your answer in the comments!

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