Faith in humanity restored! These heartwarming posts will brighten your day.
I have often wondered: are good people a minority on this planet? Are we humans mostly bad? Or are there more good people than bad? Whenever we turn on the TV, it’s mostly bad news, and we may be tempted to believe that’s the true face of humanity. But it isn’t.
For each negative event, there are so many positive others happening. The media may not cover them, but they do occur. Every tragedy, people come together to help each other. We have so many differences, but we put them all aside when a fellow human needs our help.
Sadly, we don’t hear about these good deeds as often, but you can be sure that kind people are a majority in this world. Here are 14 examples of people who made the world a better place with their small gestures. Faith in humanity restored!
1. Faith in humanity restored! This wonderful man on the subway saw a young man struggling with his tie and taught him how to tie it. It was none of his business. He could have just ignored him. But he didn’t.
2. This proud grandpa collects the hats from the universities his grandkids attended. So sweet.
3. This firefighter saved a baby girl from a house fire. 17 years later, he was invited to her graduation, which he attended.
4. This family built their son a special wheelchair so he could enjoy the sea. True happiness is in the little things we often take for granted: feeling the sea, walking on the beach, or being loved by your family.
5. When his dog could no longer get up on her favorite chair, this man removed the chair legs. I think you can tell EVERYTHING about a person’s character from the way they treat animals. And this guy is one of the people who restore our faith in humanity.
6. This is what true love looks like. Being by each other’s side through the good times and the hard ones. Being a team, especially when your teammate has become weaker. Spoon feeding your wife ice cream when she can no longer eat by herself. That’s true love.
7. The managers at this bar close their business for two weeks, every year, so their chef can visit his family. This shouldn’t be something out of the ordinary. Business owners sometimes forget that their employees are also people… with families, personal lives, needs, feelings, hopes, and dreams. It’s great to see there are some exceptions!
8. This woman gave a man a trophy for being decent. The inscription on the trophy reads: “#1 Decent Dude – First Man to Offer Subway Seat to Pregnant Woman throughout Two Pregnancies”. While we’re impressed this man offered her the seat, it’s disappointing that none of the other men did. But look on the bright side: this guy could have ignored the pregnant lady, too, and he didn’t.
9. This little girl was worried she’d look silly, so her Dad stepped in. A true superhero in real life. So heartwarming!
10. Faith in humanity restored: when no staff showed up to help this woman, this guy stepped in. Because that’s the normal thing to do, no matter who you are.
11. Now that’s a generous tip! Such a kind gesture, I bet it meant the world to this girl.
12. This supermarket gives away free food for those who can’t afford to buy it. It’s impressive. No one should go to bed hungry…
13. This man holds his umbrella for the soldier standing by the seat and plaque dedicated to the +92,000 unaccounted for American soldiers since WWI. Such a touching gesture!
14. When life gives you lemons… This couple sees the bright side: they are both safe and still have each other. So, no matter how much they’ve lost, they feel blessed. They are right. As long as we have our loved ones, we are lucky.
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