20 Funny Signs That You’re Officially Old As Dirt

Funny sign - you know you are getting older when...

Are you getting older? Here are the signs! Have fun, and share the laughs with your friends!

You know you’re getting older when your mind still thinks you’re 26, your sense of humor suggests you’re 12, but your body keeps asking if you’re sure you’re not dead yet. I bet you weren’t expecting old age to happen so soon. Am I right?

If you’re one of the people who REFUSE to accept they are growing older, here are the signs that you are, in fact, old as dirt. They are all very funny, but also very painfully true. Enjoy the laugh and if you feel you can relate, make sure you share the list with others your age.

Here are 20 funny but true signs that you are officially old as dirt:

1. People say you look great, but then they add "for your age".

funny signs that you are old: I am officially "you look good for your age" years old.

2. You barely do anything all day, but you still need to take a nap to continue doing barely anything.

funny sign you are old: You know you’re old when you barely do anything all day but still need a nap to continue doing barely anything.

3. You wake up with that "morning after" feeling when there was no "night before".

funny sign you're old: when it feels like the morning after but there was no night before.

4. You have to scroll down like crazy in drop-down menus... to find your year of birth.

funny sign you're old: when you enter your birth year online and have to spin that thing like you're on the wheel of fortune

5. This is your idea of a perfect Friday evening:

funny sign you're old: after a rough week

6. And your favorite kind of plans are 'canceled plans'.

funny sign you're old: when your favorite plans are canceled plans.

7. Every time you pass a bathroom you think: "I may as well pee while I'm here".

funny sign you're old: when you can't walk past a bathroom without thinking I may as well pee while I'm here"

8. You can't watch the news without your glasses.

funny sign you're old: when you can't watch tv without your glasses.

9. You injure yourself while sleeping.

funny sign you're old: when your injuries are the result of sleeping wrong

10. If you fall down, people panic and run to help.

One way to find out if you're old is to fall down in front of a lot of people. If they laugh, you are still young. If they panic and start running to help, you're old.

11. Surprisingly, you are the same age as old people.

funny sign you're old, I hate it when I see an old person and then realize we went to high school together.

12. "Happy hour" is what you call nap time.

funny sign you're old: finally old enough to do anything I want. Too tired to actually do it.

13. You use the word "thingy" all the time because you can no longer remember what things are called.

funny sign you're old: You know you're getting older when you use the word 'thingy' all the time because you can no longer remember what things are called.

14. You and your teeth no longer sleep in the same bed at night.

funny sign you're old: you know you're getting older when you and your teeth no longer sleep in the same bed at night.

15. Going out has a whole new meaning.

funny sign you're old: You know you are old when errands count as going out.

16. You still do crazy things, just slower.

funny sign you're old: don't worry about getting older. You'll still do dumb stuff, only slower.

17. Falling asleep on the couch has nothing to do with you coming home drunk.

funny sign you're old: I've reached an age where falling asleep on the couch has nothing to do with coming home drunk.

18. People can tell how old you are by the way your body sounds when you try to get up.

funny sign you're old: Most people don't think I'm as old as I am until they hear me stand up.

19. Your doctor said you should consider installing a bar in your shower.

funny sign you're old: My doctor said that now that I'm older, I should consider installing a bar in my shower.

20. You can't always get back up on your own.

funny sign you're old: You don't realize how old you are until you sit on the floor and then you try to get back up.

Bonus: here's a tip!

If you want to know if you still look young, ask a 5-year-old to guess your age. (However, I’m warning you: it might ruin your day)

If you enjoyed this funny article, check out some more funny articles, awesome jokes, and hilarious pictures here.

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