These hilarious signs are so funny they’ll make you laugh until you cry. Enjoy them all, and share the fun with your friends.
Whenever I see a funny sign like these hilarious ones, I wonder what’s the story behind it. Who in the world was the person who made these people write this sign? I bet the people making these signs could write a book with all their stories, and it would be a GREAT one.
Some signs hide stories, while others fail so hard… they just win. In the following list, you’ll see 25 hilarious signs that made people stop whatever they were doing to take a picture. Enjoy the laugh and share the fun with your friends!
1. LOL! If you see someone drowning, what?
2. I have to ask: how many people wanted to rent a pig, if they had to make this funny sign?
3. Why? What happened? Who opened and tried on this product?
4. This very... specific. I've never seen a child that is pregnant, elderly and pregnant, but they have a special toilet here!
5. OMG, Ikea. What happened?
6. Well, you wouldn't have to hire AGAIN if you didn't put your secret ingredient in your food.
7. This must be a typo. They must have meant something else. Right?
8. Why? Who thought it was? And is there a video?
9. Do you need help satanizing? Should I bring my candles and pentagrams?
10. There must be a crazy story behind this funny sign and I MUST hear it. If you've heard it, please just post in the comments.
11. I think it's pretty gross you're eating in the restroom, to be honest. I get that you're a cannibal, but have some manners!
12. Listen, Debbie. I don't care what weird thing you have going on, but you're not laying a finger on me.
13. What recent events? What happened with the oreos in the library? Tell us more!
14. "Okay, repeat after me: retinal, retinal, retinal. Got it?"
15. Ever since I first saw this funny sign, I have been wondering what did Joe do? And how bad was it?
16. This sounds like a very lovely place to be. Work free? Count me in!
17. I love this new sign at the bowling alley.
18. I bet the employees at this coffee shop had some good laughs before they put up this sign.
19. Ok, if you insist...
20. There is absolutely nothing with this sign. Since the pen is broken, you are kindly asked to use your finger.
21. When you work at the bank:
22. This sounds nice, but I've been waiting for a while, and no one came to wash my hands yet.
23. When you want to convince your customers to wear a mask:
24. This guy put up a sign because he's missing his dog.
If you enjoyed these funny signs, check out some more funny memes, awesome jokes, and hilarious pictures here.
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