
30 Hilarious Random Memes That Made Us Smile This Week

Take a break from what you’re doing and check out these funny memes! Enjoy a good laugh and share them with everyone who could use a reason to smile today!

1. So cute!

Funny Random Memes Humor What would you name this cutie? calf heart ass

2. Parents of teenagers will relate to this funny meme:

Funny Random Memes Humor When you ask your teenager to empty the dishwasher:

3. Let's get the weekend started!

Funny Random Memes Humor Friday just called. She said she'll be here tomorrow, and she's bringing tequila.

4. LOL! I wonder if this works:

Funny Random Memes Humor How they prevent cheating at catholic school.

5. I can't wait to hear all your answers!

Funny Random Memes Humor Here is a question for all the mind readers!

6. No one ever helps around the house! So annoying!

Funny Random Memes Humor I said wash your dishes! Not pile them in the sink!

7. If you want to be successful at your job, always give 100%

Funny Random Memes Humor Always give 100% at work MONDAY - 11% TUESDAY - 24% WEDNESDAY - 40% THURSDAY - 23% FRIDAY - 2%

8. Haha! So scary!

Funny Random Memes Humor You never dine alone when you have a dog.

9. Here's one way to deal with stress:

Funny Random Memes Humor When life is stressful, do something to lift your spirits. Go for a drive. Go two or three thousand miles away. Maybe change your name.

10. Hmmm... was it you?

Funny Random Memes Humor If you lost the bottom part of your false teeth around the gin please ask cashier for them

11. Cats don't get lost... they just get bored and leave.

Funny Random Memes Humor I feel so sorry for people who put up posters for lost cats. Your cat isn't lost, buddy. Cats don't get lost. Your cat left you.

12. So helpful!

Funny Random Memes Humor Painting the Mandala helps control your stress:

13. Absolutely! You have the right to ruin your own day!

Funny Random Memes Humor Don't let anyone else ruin your day. It's YOUR day. Ruin it yourself.

14. I can't believe I've been wearing it wrong all my life.

Funny Random Memes Humor The right way to wear a hoodie:

15. Yup. You can't see it, but this exactly is my face during winter:

Funny Random Memes Humor My mood until summer comes back

16. True story!

Funny Random Memes Humor Life is not a fairy tale. If you lose a shoe at midnight, you're drunk.

17. I don't think his girlfriend knows.

Funny Random Memes Humor I wonder if she knows... Boy on subway wears t-shirt I think she's hot old lady

18. I may look OK, but I could eat...

Funny Random Memes Humor I may act like I'm okay, but deep down inside I'm hungry again

19. I can't wait to travel with my husband, so we can take pics like this:

Funny Random Memes Humor Taking pictures while on vacation:

20. This cat meme is so funny!

Funny Random Memes Humor When you try to be funny, but she's still mad at you.

21. Hahaha! Dads will be dads!

Funny Random Memes Humor When you leave the baby with Dad.

22. Here's a tip on marriage!

Funny Random Memes Humor Pro tip: If your wife is mad at you, just tighten all the jar lids. That way she'll have to talk to you.

23. This is crazy! LMAO!

Funny Random Memes Humor It's not stupid if it works

24. When Grandma hears you only want one meatball.

Funny Random Memes Humor When you tell Grandma you only want one meatball:

25. True story! So funny!

Funny Random Memes Humor Others cough and pray they don't have covid. I cough and pray that I don't pee my pants.

26. I think it's pretty clear that we ARE meant to have midnight snacks.

Funny Random Memes Humor If we weren't meant to have midnight snacks why is there a light in the fridge?

27. Yikes!

Funny Random Memes Humor When you're a bus driver but not a people person

28. LOL, this is hilarious!

Funny Random Memes Humor The guy who first discovered milk trying to explain what he was doing.

29. Yup! It happened to me once, this is exactly the face I made.

Funny Random Memes Humor The face you make when you forget to pay the electric bill.

30. If you see it, type 'Got it' in the comments. Don't give it away!

Funny Random Memes Humor When you see it...

If you enjoyed these hilarious memes, check out some more funny articles, awesome jokes, and hilarious stories here

We’d love to keep in touch! Follow us on our Bouncy Mustard Facebook Page and join our Smile While You Still Have Teeth humor group for more fun posts.

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Animals Make Us Laugh

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