I think we’ve found the least photogenic animals on the planet. These photos are so hilarious, check them out!
There are two kinds of creatures on this planet: those who are ridiculously photogenic, no matter what situation they’re in, and those who need 10 to 20 takes to get a decent picture for their profile pictures. These hilarious animals in this gallery fall in the second category, and so do I. Check out these funny adorable faces and share the fun with your friends!
1. This looks a lot like my Monday morning face.
2. This guy is not very photogenic.
3. When you wake up early after a night of drinking:
4. Some of us are just not photogenic, at all.
5. When you try to pose, but you're just not photogenic.
6. This looks a lot like the face I make when I see cake.
7. Lions are supposed to be scary, but this guy made me laugh.
8. This fox doesn't look very bright!
9. Your eyes are so... pretty.
10. When they ask you to look at the camera, but you're too drunk to focus.
11. You're thinking "I'll have such a nice in this photo", but then you see the actual picture and you're smiling like this:
12. When you're trying a cute tongue out pose, but end up looking like this:
13. Poor dog isn't very photogenic.
14. You can add all the filters in the world... if you're not photogenic, you'll end up looking like this:
15. I bet this cat thought it looked sexy. I do that sometimes.
16. When you feel cute, but your photos just don't capture it.
17. When someone takes your photo while you're talking, after a couple of glasses of wine.
18. This looks a lot like the face I make after drinking a couple of beers.
19. There's always that one friend who takes embarrassing photos of everyone.
20. When you're in a heated argument and someone starts taking your pictures.
21. That awkward moment when you're trying a sexy pose on the couch, but end up with this:
22. This is how I look when I try to pose with my tongue out.
23. Not all cats are photogenic, obviously.
24. I bet he wasn't even trying to make a silly face!
25. That weird moment when you look at the photo and see you had parsley in your teeth the whole time.
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