Being a parent is not easy at all! Here are some hilarious parenting fails that were caught on camera. Check out this funny gallery and share the fun with your friends!
1. Don't drink all the water, please!
2. This is a great showroom toilet!
3. In 5 minutes I will come and play with you.
4. Do you want some ketchup?
5. Sleeping position at the restaurant.
6. Swimming. Lesson 1.
7. I love playing with the laser pointer.
8. Mom knew that they should write LOVE. Well, these kids disagreed.
9. Buying this night lamp for my kids was a bad idea.
10. Up...and down.
11. This is a naughty Santa.
12. What a great photo!
13. I think this elephant runs too fast!
14. Good night!
15. My tiny hands....not!
16. Someone loves the sand!
17. Oops!
18. Be right back!
19. Good night... again!
20. This is why this kid won't play soccer again!
21. Smile!!!
22. Pizza night.
23. Clown make-up fail!
24. Restaurant outfit.
25. Nothing to say.
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