These people were so tired, they fell asleep in public. Check out the hilarious photos and share the fun with your friends!
We are so tired! We work so hard every day, it’s a miracle we don’t all have our own sleeping public photos on the Internet. I’m not at all surprised these people were caught napping in public, as we are all very exhausted. And what do you do when you’re too tired to function properly? You just take a quick nap whenever you can, to recharge, even if it’s on the bus, at the library, or at work.
1. This poor guy fell asleep at work.
2. Traveling is exhausting!
3. When you fall asleep in public... and your friends are around.
4. When you're so tired, you'd sleep anywhere.
5. She shouldn't have read this book in public.
6. I'm gonna try this sleeping position. Next time I travel by plane.
7. You should never sleep in an airport... especially when there are kids around.
8. He made himself as comfortable as possible.
9. Poor guy...
10. Just a quick nap!
11. Life is hard and exhausting.
12. He doesn't look very comfortable...
13. The library is the perfect place for a nap!
14. When you fall asleep at school...
15. I feel so sorry for this woman and her pizza.
16. This guy fell asleep at work, so his coworkers made him a shelter.
17. A DIY hammock?
18. That pillow looks comfy...
19. When you fall asleep while eating chips:
20. If that suitcase moves...
21. Impressive balance!
22. This place is just as good as any!
23. Care to explain?
24. Life's hard when you're a student!
25. This doesn't look very comfy...
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