
25 Hilarious Photos Showing What Happens When Dads Stay With The Kids

What happens when you leave Dad alone with the baby? A lot of fun happens! And these hilarious photos are proof!

These Dads are so hilarious! They found creative ways to keep the babies safe and to keep themselves entertained, too. These photos made my day, I hope they’ll make you laugh, too! Check them out, enjoy the fun, and make sure you share them with everyone who could use a reason to smile today!

1. When the baby is sleeping and Dad's bored.

Funny Photo When You Leave Dad Alone With The Baby Kiwi

2. This creative Dad found a way to play his game and keep an eye on the baby, too.

Funny Photo When You Leave Dad Alone With The Baby Gaming

3. I have to say... that is one strong stroller.

Funny Photo When You Leave Dad Alone With The Baby

4. Dad's way to do a ponytail:

Funny Photo When You Leave Dad Alone With The Baby Hair

5. Haha! Dad sure knows how to make bath time fun!

Funny Photo When You Leave Dad Alone With The Baby Bath

6. This one's hilarious. The things parents do for their kids...

Funny Photo When You Leave Dad Alone With The Baby

7. This one's funny... but pretty creative, too.

Funny Photo When You Leave Dad Alone With The Baby Carry

8. Mom came home to find out her child had grown... a lot.

Funny Photo When You Leave Dad Alone With The Baby Haircut

9. This Dad was bored so he stuck eyebrows on the baby.

Funny Photo When You Leave Dad Alone With The Baby Eyebrows

10. This Dad invented a new game for his kids and I think everyone wants to know his secret.

Funny Photo When You Leave Dad Alone With The Baby

11. Here's why you should hide your make-up when you leave Dad alone with the baby:

Funny Photo When You Leave Dad Alone With The Baby

12. "Okay, kids! Ready? 3, 2, 1..."

Funny Photo When You Leave Dad Alone With The Baby

13. When Dad goes shopping with the baby:

Funny Photo When You Leave Dad Alone With The Baby

14. This Dad got creative!

Funny Photo When You Leave Dad Alone With The Baby

15. Dad, at the end of the day. He didn't even make it to his room, LOL.

Funny Photo When You Leave Dad Alone With The Baby

16. Hmmm... lazy or smart?

Funny Photo When You Leave Dad Alone With The Baby Bottle

17. When Mom asks to see how the baby's doing.

Funny Photo When You Leave Dad Alone With The Baby

18. What to do while the baby is sleeping? What.. to.. do...

Funny Photo When You Leave Dad Alone With The Baby

19. Dad creativity level 100:

Funny Photo When You Leave Dad Alone With The Baby

20. Shopping with Dad:

Funny Photo When You Leave Dad Alone With The Baby

21. Haha! This is so funny!

Funny Photo When You Leave Dad Alone With The Baby

22. Who put whom to sleep?

Funny Photo When You Leave Dad Alone With The Baby

23. She asked Dad to put her hair in a bun.

Funny Photo When You Leave Dad Alone With The Baby

24. Dads always take the funniest pics of their kids!

Funny Photo When You Leave Dad Alone With The Baby

25. This one's my favorite. I bet the Dad said "Hey, kid. Let me try this one thing." Hilarious!

Funny Photo When You Leave Dad Alone With The Baby

If you enjoyed this funny article, check out some more awesome jokes and hilarious stories here.

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