
25 Hilarious Office Signs People Have Seen At Their Workplace

Hilarious Office Signs

Office hours are a lot more fun when you get to see funny signs like these at your workplace. Check out the hilarious gallery and share it with your friends!

Work is a lot more fun when you have coworkers with a sense of humor. In this gallery, you’ll see a fine selection of office signs people have spotted at their workplace. Some were intended to make everyone laugh, others were put up by people tired to have their lunch stolen, but they are all very funny. Check out the hilarious gallery and share the fun with someone who could use a reason to smile today!

1. LOL! So funny!

Hilarious Office Signs this machine takes your money and gives you nothing in return

2. I really don't think so...

Hilarious Office Signs please only use internet exxplorer

3. 99% is not enough, to be honest.

Hilarious Office Signs staff must wash hand every time even if they are 99% sure hey do not have pee on them

4. Poor Pete!

Hilarious Office Signs this is velociraptor workplace

5. People just can't help it!

Hilarious Office Signs

6. This 'In case of fire' sign is hysterical!

Hilarious Office Signs exit building before tweeting

7. This sounds serious.

Hilarious Office Signs

8. Oh, no! Why is the door alarmed?

Hilarious Office Signs this door is alarmed

9. This special note for the tech team is so funny!

Hilarious Office Signs bathroom note

10. Hilarious!

Hilarious Office Signs toilet note

11. The manger approves of this posting.

Hilarious Office Signs management board

12. If there's a fire, go be on fire somewhere else.

Hilarious Office Signs do not disturb

13. LMAO! Enter slowly singing 'Ave Maria'.

Hilarious Office Signs do not disturb programmers

14. If you want to be left alone at work, just put up signs like these.

Hilarious Office Signs

15. This Do Not Disturb sign is hysterical!

Hilarious Office Signs

16. Some wise words!

Hilarious Office Signs

17. Aren't we all?

Hilarious Office Signs

18. Some office humor:

Hilarious Office Signs

19. Debbie, what have you done?

Hilarious Office Signs

20. How to deal with the lunch thief at work.

Hilarious Office Signs

21. "NOT impressed"

Hilarious Office Signs

22. I thought so, too!

Hilarious Office Signs

23. So funny!

Hilarious Office Signs

24. The cans don't want to date them...

Hilarious Office Signs

25. Don't use comic sans, people!

Hilarious Office Signs

If you enjoyed these hilarious office signs, check out this funny gallery next:

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