
25 Hilarious Memes For Anyone Who Could Use A Laugh Today

Know someone who could use a reason to smile today? Pass these hilarious memes on!

I hope 2021 has been treating you well so far! I have to say, its start hasn’t been very promising. I had different expectations, yet the virus is still here, the world seems to have gone mad, and on top of everything, it’s still winter, and it’s freezing outside. Ugh.

I’m so tired of reading all the same old bad news and all the mean comments online. When have we become so mean? You can no longer spend time online without reading tons of mean, political, and hateful comments. What happened to the old ‘agree to disagree’, people?

Anyway, here’s some humor for a change. These 25 hilarious memes made me smile today, so I’m sharing them with all of you who are tired of all the negativity in the world. Know someone who could use a good laugh? Make sure you pass these funny memes on!

1. Ready for another exciting day on the couch!

Fun Clean Humor Hilarious Memes: Me, all ready for another exciting day in the living room.

2. Here's a very helpful piece of advice for married people:

Fun Clean Humor Hilarious Memes: Marriage tip - Your wife is less dangerous if there is chocolate in her mouth.

3. I don't like this bus, to be honest.

Fun Clean Humor Hilarious Memes: I'm here for you bus - Is this bus being supportive or threatening me?

4. Yeah, does anyone what I'm doing wrong?

Fun Clean Humor Hilarious Memes: Cannabis bush, day 267, still no tomatoes

5. This finally proves that I'm right!

Fun Clean Humor Hilarious Memes: The correct toilet paper roll direction according to toilet paper patent

6. I know exactly what you're feeling...

Fun Clean Humor Hilarious Memes: Baby belly, darn biscuits!

7. Nice offish! Haha, so funny!

Fun Clean Humor Hilarious Memes: Fish tank office, Welcome to my offish

8. Yup. That's true!

Fun Clean Humor Hilarious Memes: Inside every older person

9. This happens to most people!

Fun Clean Humor Hilarious Memes: When your date shows up and they don't look anything like their Tinder pics.

10. Roofing is his specialty!

Fun Clean Humor Hilarious Memes: worker dog - I specialize in roofing

11. I am the one, and also the one who ate all the doughnuts.

Fun Clean Humor Hilarious Memes: One day I want someone to look at me and say that's her. She's the one. Without adding "who ate all the doughnuts"

12. What people think about while getting massage.

Fun Clean Humor Hilarious Memes: Thoughts while getting a massage

13. The best part about being single on Valentine's Day:

Fun Clean Humor Hilarious Memes: The best part about being single on Valentine's day is that you get all the wine to yourself

14. OMG! I don't think she's lovin' it!

Fun Clean Humor Hilarious Memes: McEyebrows, I'm lovin it!

15. Here's another funny piece of advice:

Fun Clean Humor Hilarious Memes: If you throw your hands in the air like you just don't care, make sure you put your coffee cup down firs.

16. Check out my quarantine coffee recipe:

Fun Clean Humor Hilarious Memes:

17. This is so true!

Fun Clean Humor Hilarious Memes: When you reach a certain age, you no longer care about what people think anymore.

18. They'll be fully charged any minute now:

Fun Clean Humor Hilarious Memes: Wireless doorbells sitting on their chargers

19. When you buy a book from Ikea:

Fun Clean Humor Hilarious Memes: Just bought a book from Ikea

20. What I really mean when I say I'm having guests over:

Fun Clean Humor Hilarious Memes - Kitty on a couch: I can' come, I'm having guests over. Guests over:

21. I sure miss being a child!

Fun Clean Humor Hilarious Memes Old Age. Age 12: Fell off the bike at high velocity onto the gravel road, biked 5 miles home. Age 50: Used wrong pillow, back was nonfunctional for two days.

22. If your dog poops at the dog park... you do what you gotta do!

Fun Clean Humor Hilarious Memes: Rules are rules!

23. I love this hilarious meme!

Fun Clean Humor Hilarious Memes: No wonder the internet's slow! Everyone's online tweeting!

24. Hurray

Fun Clean Humor Hilarious Memes: Great... the virus is still here and it's snowing again.

25. LMAO, this is hilarious!

Fun Clean Humor Hilarious Memes: Couple on the beach - this summarizes my love life. I'm the guy in blue.

If you enjoyed these hilarious memes, check out some more funny articles, awesome jokes, and hilarious stories here

We’d love to keep in touch! Follow us on our Bouncy Mustard Facebook Page and join our Smile While You Still Have Teeth humor group for more fun posts.

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