
15 Funny Christmas Trees That Made Me Chuckle

I know your tree is already up, so how about you share a picture of it in the comments? Check out these funny Christmas trees and share the fun with your friends!

For more than 5 years now, I’ve given up putting up a traditional Christmas tree. I like the green, natural Christmas tree, but I also think it’s a bit messy and takes a lot of room, which I don’t have. I’m not really a fan of the plastic kind, either, because the ones that look nice are also expensive. And to be honest, I’d rather spend that money on literally anything else. Besides, I’d have to store it all year, and I don’t have that kind of space.

Also, I like to get creative, so I’ve made it a family tradition to put up a Christmas tree that looks nothing like other Christmas trees. Maybe in a future post, I’ll show you some of my original Christmas trees. Anyway, every year I search the internet for ideas of alternative trees and decorations, and each time I stumble upon some funny Christmas tree ideas. Here are some I’ve found this year:

1. Cat owners will have to put up this funny Christmas tree if they want to keep it safe.

Funny Christmas tree for cat owners

2. So, why did you buy all that toilet paper? People stockpiling TP:

Funny Christmas tree toilet paper rolls

3. A funny solution for when you want to put up a Christmas tree, but you can't afford to buy one right now:

Funny Christmas tree car deodorizer

4. The husband's Christmas tree:

Funny Christmas tree beer bottles

5. The wife's funny Christmas tree:

Funny Christmas tree wine bottles

6. The teenager's funny Christmas tree:

Funny Christmas tree dirty laundry pile of clothes

7. These Christmas trees look delicious! I'm so trying this for Christmas day!

Funny Christmas tree food and fruit

8. This Christmas tree also looks delicious, if you're a vegan!

Funny Christmas tree for vegetarians

9. This funny Christmas tree is perfect for 2020.

Funny Christmas tree 2020 toilet paper, gloves, sanitizer

10. I think I still have time to empty some bottles until Christmas Eve and try to make this.

Funny Christmas tree alcohol bottle

11. When nurses put up the Christmas tree. So funny!

Funny Christmas tree hospital gloves

12. What to do when you have kids and pets. Such a funny Christmas tree idea!

Funny Christmas tree upside down ceiling tree

13. Argh, why didn't I save the corks from all the wine I had this year? I could have started a business selling these!

Funny Christmas tree wine cork

14. This is such a funny Christmas tree idea!

Funny Christmas tree through roof to freak out your neighbirs

15. How to babyproof your Christmas tree. So funny!

Funny Christmas tree fence baby proof

If you enjoyed this funny article, check out some more awesome jokes and hilarious stories here.

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