30 Ukrainians Who Refused To Leave Their Pets Behind During The Invasion

People refuse to leave their pets behind in Ukrainian war

Because pets are family, and you don’t leave family behind. Do you agree?

As you probably know, those who decided to remain in Ukraine, had to seek shelter at the subway. And without hesitation, they brought their pets along. Because they are family. Check out these touching photos and share them with your friends!

1. Pets show bravery, too.

People refuse to leave their pets behind in Ukrainian war

2. Ukrainians and their pets found shelter at the subway.

People refuse to leave their pets behind in Ukrainian war

3. A cat café refused to leave their 20 cats behind.

People refuse to leave their pets behind in Ukrainian war

4. A good boy waiting patiently.

People refuse to leave their pets behind in Ukrainian war

5. Pets are family.

People refuse to leave their pets behind in Ukrainian war

6. Ukrainians refused to cross the border without their pets. Luckily, Romania has received them all, both humans and animals.

People refuse to leave their pets behind in Ukrainian war

7. Parrots are family, too.

People refuse to leave their pets behind in Ukrainian war

8. War affects everyone, both humans and animals.

People refuse to leave their pets behind in Ukrainian war

9. "Everything will be alright, as long as we're together."

People refuse to leave their pets behind in Ukrainian war

10. No one is left behind.

People refuse to leave their pets behind in Ukrainian war

11. God bless us all!

People refuse to leave their pets behind in Ukrainian war

12. Pets are family. And family is everything.

People refuse to leave their pets behind in Ukrainian war

13. Such a good cat!

People refuse to leave their pets behind in Ukrainian war

14. It's so touching...

People refuse to leave their pets behind in Ukrainian war

15. This good kitty even managed to put a smile on the woman's face.

People refuse to leave their pets behind in Ukrainian war

16. It's heartbreaking what's going on there.

People refuse to leave their pets behind in Ukrainian war

17. Such a good boy!

People refuse to leave their pets behind in Ukrainian war

18. I am praying for everyone in Ukraine, both humans and animals!

People refuse to leave their pets behind in Ukrainian war

19. Poor baby...

People refuse to leave their pets behind in Ukrainian war

20. People in Ukraine refused to leave their pets behind.

People refuse to leave their pets behind in Ukrainian war

21. Can you imagine?

People refuse to leave their pets behind in Ukrainian war

22. People and their pets seeking shelter at the subway, in the Ukraine invasion.

People refuse to leave their pets behind in Ukrainian war

23. Poor doggy looks worried.

People refuse to leave their pets behind in Ukrainian war

24. Please pray for everyone's safety.

People refuse to leave their pets behind in Ukrainian war

25. I hope they'll soon be back at home, safe and sound.

People refuse to leave their pets behind in Ukrainian war

26. People couldn't pack much, but they got what was truly important.

People refuse to leave their pets behind in Ukrainian war

27. War is awful!

People refuse to leave their pets behind in Ukrainian war

28. People wouldn't cross the border without their pets... of course!

People refuse to leave their pets behind in Ukrainian war

29. It's so touching...

People refuse to leave their pets behind in Ukrainian war

30. Let's hope this ends soon.

People refuse to leave their pets behind in Ukrainian war

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Animals Make Us Laugh

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