
25 Random Acts Of Kindness That Will Restore Your Faith In Humanity

random acts of kindness

These real stories about kindness have warmed my heart. Check out these wholesome posts and share the positive vibes with your friends!

In the divided world we live in these days, we really need a bit of kindness. We are segregated by opposing opinions, views, and beliefs, and we keep ignoring the things that actually unite us. Let’s not forget that we all go through hard times, we all just want to live a little better, and we all need some kindness in our lives.

These people and their acts of kindness have really impressed me. And made me cry a little, I’ll admit it. I have gone through hell this year myself, and the kindness of those around me has truly helped me survive. I’m going to pay it forward, and I hope you guys will, too.

1. I am a breast cancer survivor myself, and I don't have enough words to express my gratitude towards those who do so much to help.

acts of kindness woman makes tattoos of nipples to breast cancer patients

2. The teacher who sent this note is so kind.

acts of kindness handle with care note from school

3. A random act of kindness on social media.

acts of kindness someone buys ticket for stranger

4. The monks saved this abandoned dog and made him part of the family.

acts of kindness monks adopt dog and dress him in monk clothes

5. Keith Walker ran into a burning building to save all the animals.

acts of kindness homeless person runs into burning building to save dogs

6. When this man's electric scooter fell off the trailer, the other drivers stopped their cars and helped.

acts of kindness old man's scootr falls off in traffic, people stop to help

7. This woman tried to buy a car, and ended up getting it for free. An act of kindness that changed her life.

acts of kindness woman tries to buy car, seller gives it to her for free

8. This kind man gathered volunteers to shovel the snow for elderly people. Such a nice gesture!

acts of kindness man gathers voluteer to help elderly folks with the snow

9. Willie saved a life.

acts of kindness daughter got kidney car sticker

10. This woman saw a teacher buying school supplies and just paid for everything.

acts of kindness woman buys all school supplies for teacher at target

11. A stranger found this woman's purse and returned it. A beautiful act of kindness.

acts of kindness stranger sends woman's purse via mail

12. Thieves broke into this electrician's car and stole his tools. He posted about it on reddit, and here's what happened:

acts of kindness man gets robbed, reddit donates to help him replace everything

13. A promise is a promise. This man stood guard one last time, by his friend's coffin.

acts of kindness old marine stands guard near vietnam friend's coffin

14. Faith in humanity restored!

acts of kindness man holds lady's walker on subway as she fell asleep

15. At a metal concert, fans held up this man's wheelchair so he could see the band.

acts of kindness metal concert people hold up fan in wheel chair

16. A small act of kindness can change someone's day!

acts of kindness thank you note in mailbox

17. This man drove by his grandmother's house to show her his new car.

acts of kindness grandson drives to grandma to show her his new car

18. A beautiful gesture for a complete stranger.

acts of kindness stranger pays for next person's coffee and passes note wishing them a wonderful day

19. This teacher NOT helping out students.

acts of kindness teacher gives her students websites to illegaly download her book for free

20. So nice!

acts of kindness photographer takes service dog's picture for the yearbook

21. You should always be kind, no matter the circumstances.

acts of kindness black and white photo of soldier feeding kitten by hand

22. Some people just need a little help.

acts of kindness

23. When he saw a young man struggling with his tie, this man gave him a hand.

acts of kindness old man helps young black man with his tie on subway

24. When you realized you've changed someone life...

acts of kindness neighbor leaves $250 in an envelope

25. A parent's love is infinite.

acts of kindness dad invents special shoes so his daughter can experience walking

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