
These 25 Funny Dogs Enjoying Car Rides Will Make You Smile

funny dog enjoys car ride with head out the window

These puppies are having such a blast! Check out the hilarious gallery and share the fun with your friends!

These funny dogs love to stick their heads out the window when driving to the dog park. I get it, I love to feel the breeze in my hair, too! Their humans managed to snap some pics of their funny faces, and the hilarious gallery has made my day! Check out these funny dog photos and share them with your friends!

1. "You're driving too fast!!!"

funny dog enjoys car ride with head out the window

2. Car rides are so refreshing!

funny dog enjoys car ride with head out the window

3. "I'm just taking a break."

funny dog enjoys car ride with head out the window

4. Good boys know that safety always comes first.

funny dog enjoys car ride with head out the window

5. So exciting!!!

funny dog enjoys car ride with head out the window

6. "Hello there, pretty lady. Do you need a ride?"

funny dog enjoys car ride with head out the window

7. At the end of an awesome day at the dog park.

funny dog enjoys car ride with head out the window

8. When you're driving around the town and you see someone you know.

funny dog enjoys car ride with head out the window

9. Roaaadtriiiip!!!

funny dog enjoys car ride with head out the window

10. This is so much fun!!!

funny dog enjoys car ride with head out the window

11. When he leaves you in the car and forgets to turn on the AC.

funny dog enjoys car ride with head out the window

12. My face when I leave work on Friday.

funny dog enjoys car ride with head out the window

13. When you're on a family road trip, and your brother farts in the car.

funny dog enjoys car ride with head out the window

14. When you promise you'll help with directions, but you fall asleep the second he starts the car.

funny dog enjoys car ride with head out the window

15. When you realize you're going to the dog park.

funny dog enjoys car ride with head out the window

16. This funny dog loves car rides!

funny dog enjoys car ride with head out the window

17. This husky loves car rides!

funny dog enjoys car ride with head out the window

18. This dog is cooler than all of us.

funny dog enjoys car ride with head out the window

19. When your friend is a terrible driver, and you wonder if you're gonna make it home alive.

funny dog enjoys car ride with head out the window

20. When the drive home is long and you're terribly bored.

funny dog enjoys car ride with head out the window

21. What true happiness looks like:

funny dog enjoys car ride with head out the window

22. That spring smell...

funny dog enjoys car ride with head out the window

23. My face when I found out we no longer have to wear a mask.

funny dog enjoys car ride with head out the window

24. When you're driving someone home, and they start acting silly.

funny dog enjoys car ride with head out the window

25. Smile!!!

funny dog enjoys car ride with head out the window

If you enjoyed these funny dog photos, check out this cute gallery next:

Animals Make Us Laugh

The Beauty Of Positive Thinking

Animals Make Us Laugh

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