25 Awesome Memes To Brighten Your Mood

clean humor funny meme

Take a break from what you’re doing and enjoy these random funny memes!

I’ve had plenty of bad news, politics, and negative comments today, so here’s some nice, clean humor for a change! Check out these random memes and share the fun with everyone who could use a reason to smile today!

1. Oops!

clean humor funny meme when you already started eating and someone says let's pray

2. It's OK to believe in yourself, but don't be too optimistic!

clean humor funny meme no, no you can't

3. When the joke is so funny, you can't stop laughing to say it.

clean humor funny meme Me laughing at my own joke before I even tell it.

4. Beautiful...

clean humor funny meme Who said romance was dead?

5. True story! This is still my favorite type of 'social media'.

clean humor funny meme Social media before the Internet:

6. How was your day? Mine:

clean humor funny meme If every day is a gift, then today was socks.

7. LMAO, this meme is hilarious:

clean humor funny meme First sounds recorded on Mars:

8. Crime is forbidden, I feel so safe!

clean humor funny meme Take that, criminals!

9. Yikes! This doesn't sound good!

clean humor funny meme The future is not looking good.

10. I hate it when this happens!

clean humor funny meme That awkward moment when you go out and someone's wearing the same outfit as you.

11. Haha! This is the trick, indeed!

clean humor funny meme The trick is not to let people know how weird you truly are until it's too late for them to back out.

12. What does this light mean, do you guys know?

clean humor funny meme Does anyone know what this light means?

13. 'What did you say?'

clean humor funny meme when you accidentally say a curse word in front of mom

14. That's what you get for making me start a diet!

clean humor funny meme This is for making me go on a diet!

15. You can do it!

clean humor funny meme Hold my beer!

16. #blessed

clean humor funny meme I'm so lucky people can't hear what I'm thinking.

17. I'm so happy we no longer have to carry all these CDs!

clean humor funny meme Kids today will never know the struggle:

18. Other dogs versus my dog:

Other people: "My dog is not allowed on the furniture!" My dog:

19. I forget to hide my expressions all the time, sadly:

When you forget to hide your expressions and then you're like "Whoa, I didn't mean to make that face out loud."

20. The biggest lie we all tell ourselves:

The biggest lie I tell myself: "I don't need to write that down, I'll remember it."

21. At my house, this is what a trail of clothes leading to the bedroom means:

I'm at that age when a trail of clothes leading to the bedroom means I dropped them on the way from the dryer.

22. I completely relate with this cute meme:

Me thinking "now I need something sweet" after I just ate.

23. When you least expect it...

I'm not sure about an inner child, but I do have an inner idiot that surfaces every now and then.

24. My answer is: yes, obviously.

Does the jelly in a donut count as a serving of fruit?

25. I don't get why they always do this.

My grocery store uses 6 checkouts. Unless it's busy, then they use 2.

If you enjoyed these hilarious memes, check out some more funny articles, awesome jokes, and hilarious stories here

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