Here are the funniest 30 memes we enjoyed in March. Check them out and share the fun with everyone who could use a laugh.
March was an interesting month, but I can’t say I’m sad it’s over. I just want it to be summer, and I can’t wait for this stupid pandemic to end already. But until then, here’s some good humor to put a smile on that pretty face of yours. Here are 30 of the funniest memes we’ve enjoyed this past month. Check them out and share this hilarious gallery with everyone who could use a reason to smile today!
1. I'm so happy we no longer have to carry that thing around!
2. Oops! Sorry Mom!
3. That's what I did!
4. So embarrassing!
5. That'll show them!
6. I do this all the time and end up ruining the joke!
7. Of course it does! What kind of question is that?
8. We're not as talented as they are...
9. Yup! If you didn't have money, you shouldn't have come to my birthday!
10. LMAO! This is hilarious!
11. March 2021 vs. March 2020.
12. Heeey! I said wash your dishes!
13. And we've been wearing them wrong all this time!
14. This statement is true at any time.
15. Yup! That's me!
16. Who knew? LOL
17. This is a great idea!
18. This is crazy!
19. And I never do!
20. This is so weird!
21. Worst idea ever!
22. Someone washed their fake eyelashes:
23. Here's some advice on how to deal with stress:
24. Hahaha! True story!
25. Yeah! Why is there a light in the fridge?
26. Okay, one meatball it is!
27. LOL the cat looks so annoyed!
28. When you're old and you drop something, it's pretty much gone forever.
29. The social media of the past:
30. I had it coming!
If you enjoyed these hilarious memes, check out some more funny articles, awesome jokes, and hilarious stories here.
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