These delivery guys were doing their jobs when they found these funny notes on doors. Check out the hilarious gallery and share the fun with your friends!
Delivery guys get to see many odd things on their routes. They have to deal with people – and we all know how people can be – their pets, or their neighbors. In this gallery, you’ll see some funny notes people left for delivery guys because they weren’t home, or for several reasons, they weren’t available to come to the door. Check out these hilarious notes and share the fun with your friends!
1. What to do when someone's door bell doesn't work.
2. Hilarious! But can't they just call you instead?
3. When you live in a shady neighborhood.
4. This is too funny!
5. Husbands only care about tools, electronics, and Victoria's Secret.
6. When you're expecting a package, but have a wicked hangover.
7. This adult child attached a small bribe to his note:
8. You don't want to make his mom cry, do you?
9. This person ordered a pizza while dealing with an extreme hangover.
10. I guess UPS man didn't knock loudly enough.
11. The dog eats it, LOL!
12. Another great idea of what to do if when you don't have a working door bell.
13. Nice idea! Although, I think a tip would've been better.
14. Such a funny note!
15. Long story short, she'll kill you.
16. This is the only way to save Middle Earth, LOL
17. When you're busy and can't answer the door.
19. A funny note for the UPS guy.
20. LMAO, this is such a funny idea!
21. A funny idea!
22. "Unless you have pizza", LOL
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