10 Things I’m Grateful For In 2020

Even though 2020 was a rough year with many awful events, I still have some things to be grateful for.

I don’t know how 2020 treated you, and I can only hope it was a good year for you. For me, it was rough. Many things I feared came true. It wasn’t easy, but it could’ve been worse, so I don’t dare complain, especially since it was a lot harder for others. As we approach the end of the year, and I count my loved ones, we’re all here, still standing, stronger than ever. But it wasn’t easy. 2020 felt like 10 years. Here are 10 things I’m grateful for this year:

1. Family.

You know, before 2020, I think I didn’t make enough time for my family. Money and work were always more important, and at the end of the day, I was often too tired to call my family. 

But then 2020 came, and we weren’t allowed to see each other anymore. We all became worried for the safety of our parents and grandparents. The people we barely made time for in 2019 have become our number one concern in 2020.

This year reminded me of what really matters, and I’m grateful for that.

2. Friends.

Before 2020, I used to see my friends every weekend. Sometimes we argued. Sometimes we didn’t quite appreciate each other’s presence. Not to the fullest. 

But once it became illegal to meet, we all realized how blessed we had been to be able to see each other every weekend. Wow. And how much trust we shared. 

This year reminded me of how blessed I am to have my best friends, and I’m grateful for that.

3. Love.

So many couples have divorced in 2020. The quarantine forced us to spend time with our partners, and we got to know each other a lot better. Sadly, not everyone loved what they’ve learned. 

Many people realized they didn’t love each other anymore and broke things off. It happened to many couples around me and seeing people who have been together for decades split up, shocked me. 

But this year has shown me how much love and support I have in my marriage, and I’m grateful for that.

4. Being healthy.

I’ve almost lost my grandparents this year to this stupid virus. Friends of mine got sick. I had to start a fundraising campaign for some friends’ little girl who became very ill. Some of my dearest friends have lost their loved ones. 

This was a rough year for so many people, and I am so blessed to have my health. 

This year has reminded me that being healthy is all that matters, and I’m grateful for that.

5. Having a nice roof over my head.

Me and my husband we’re far from being rich. However, I am aware that having a roof over our heads is more than others have. Being quarantined in our home was so lovely because we’ve filled it with so much peace and love. Not once have I felt trapped inside this year because we had everything we needed here. Each other. And a nice view from the balcony. 

This year has shown me how blessed I am to have my beautiful home, and I’m grateful for that.

6. How people come together.

Like I’ve mentioned before, some of my dearest people have suffered a lot this year. And every time, people have come together to help. I never knew how much I can count on my friends. Neighbors, friends, friends of friends, relatives, and acquaintances, everyone helped when I needed it. 

This year has shown me that I can count on the people around me, and I’m grateful for that.

7. The time spent with my loved ones.

Where I live, the first quarantine lasted for 2 months. On March 13 I left work without knowing that was in fact, my last day at work. I got comfortable, put on my pajamas, and stayed at home (without stepping out not even once) until May 15. 

When we got to see each other again, we valued and cherish our time together so much. We couldn’t see each other as much as we wanted, but we made it happen as often as we could. 

And for every second I spent with my loved ones this year, I’m grateful.

8. Doctors.

I know some people are afraid of hospitals. Of course, they are! Hospitals suck. And in 2020 things were worse than ever! However, trusting the doctors with the health of my loved ones was the smartest thing we did. 

This year, the brave doctors saved my loved ones, and I’m grateful for that.

9. Good books, good movies, good music.

We couldn’t have survived 2020 without the artists who create… movies, books, music, and all the other arts we’ve enjoyed in the spare time we’ve had. 

This year I had the time to read some good books, watch some great movies, and listen to awesome music, and I’m grateful for that.

10. The planet stopped.

The planet stopped in 2020, and with it, so did we. We had been in a rush, and we didn’t even know it. We rarely made time for what matters. I rarely made time for my hobbies, my family, my friends. 

We used to be in a hurry, we never had the time, we were always busy. Suddenly, the planet stopped and forced me to take a break. 

This year, I finally took the time to do more of what makes me happy, and I’m grateful for that.

What are you grateful for in 2020? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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