
What’s YOUR ADVICE For The Younger Generation?

elders share life advice for young generations

30 Grandmas and Grandpas shared their advice for future generations and we agree with all of them! Check out this heartwarming gallery and share it with everyone you know!

These nice grandmas and grandpas were asked to share one piece of advice for future generations. It’s not easy to pick just one life lesson to pass along, as there are so many: Take your vitamins, drink plenty of water, stay in school, listen to your mother, etc. However, these elders picked the one piece of advice they thought was the most important. Check out this heartwarming gallery and share it with everyone who could use some life advice.

1. Helen: "Be nice to everyone"

elders share life advice for young generations

2. Doris: "Take more time to enjoy life"

elders share life advice for young generations

3. Lois: "Try to love, not hate"

elders share life advice for young generations

4. Natalie: "Always be happy with yourself and others"

elders share life advice for young generations

5. Les: "Make sure you are financially stable"

elders share life advice for young generations

6. John: "Take hold of every opportunity given to you"

elders share life advice for young generations

7. Lola: "Slow down"

elders share life advice for young generations

8. John: "Enjoy every moment"

elders share life advice for young generations

9. Jean: "Be kind to everybody"

elders share life advice for young generations

10. Waunita: "Eat, drink and be merry!"

elders share life advice for young generations

11. Dace: "Try to stay out of trouble"

elders share life advice for young generations

12. Bob: "Find someone to love, and keep on loving them"

elders share life advice for young generations

13. Rose: "Get a good education. Be kind to your parents."

elders share life advice for young generations

14. Bob N: "Keep an open mind. You never know what the future has waiting for you!"

elders share life advice for young generations

15. Edna: "Slow down. You do not always need to be in such a hurry."

elders share life advice for young generations

16. Leota: "Be a good kid. Be nice to everyone."

elders share life advice for young generations

17. Bonnie: "Always pay your bills"

elders share life advice for young generations

18. Archie: "Work hard!"

elders share life advice for young generations

19. Lourine: "Be kind. Always lend a helping hand to those in need."

elders share life advice for young generations

20. Lorraine: "Do your best at everything you do"

elders share life advice for young generations

21. Terry: "Don't take yourself too seriously"

elders share life advice for young generations

22. Bob: "Use common sense"

elders share life advice for young generations

23. Earl: "Enjoy life. It's short."

elders share life advice for young generations

24. Lauretta: "Life goes better if you're always having fun"

elders share life advice for young generations

25. Jane: "Mind your own business"

elders share life advice for young generations

26. Millie: "Don't smoke!"

elders share life advice for young generations

27. Richard: "Find a woman with money" - LOL, Richard!

elders share life advice for young generations

28. Marion: "Don't get old!"

elders share life advice for young generations

29. Betty: "Take time to relax..." - LOL, Betty!

elders share life advice for young generations

30. Gerry: "Always stay healthy and eat your oatmeal"

elders share life advice for young generations

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