
TOP 25 Things That Were Different When We Were Kids

When we were kids

Kids today will never understand these 25 things. Life is so much different nowadays!

1. When we were kids, we had to get out of bed to use the internet.

Remember when you had to get out of the bed to get on the internet?

2. You couldn't use the internet and the phone at the same time.

Had to get off the Internet so someone can use the phone.

3. This is how we knew it's time to go home.

Back in my day, this is how we knew it's time to go home.

4. When we were kids, this is how we knew where everyone was.

Before social media, this is how we knew where everybody was

5. Our haircuts looked like this:

Kids haircuts today vs when I was a kid

6. The camera, calculator, and music player were all different items.

Everything in this picture is now in your pocket

7. When we were kids, this is how we built immunity.

When we were kids, this is how we built immunity.

8. This is how we blocked people.

This is how we blocked people in the 1980s.

9. If we wanted to play with our friends, we went to their door and asked permission from their parents.

When your friends used to show up at your door to come out and play.

10. Phones had buttons and you had to press a button three times to get a letter.

Kids today will never understand the struggle of having to press a button three times just to get one letter.

11. When we were kids, our social network was called "outside".

When we were kids, social media was called 'outside'.

12. We only had one TV and I was the remote.

My parents has a TV like this. I remember it clearly because I was the remote.

13. We didn't have any smartphones at the table.

When I was a kid, we had no phones or tablets. We read cereal boxes at breakfast.

14. We memorized phone numbers and birthdays.

Back in my day, we had to remember phone numbers, give people directions, and don't get me started on the dinosaurs!

15. Our clothes looked like this:

How they dress kids today. vs. How they dressed me.

16. There was a number you called to find out the time.

Back in my day, there used to be a phone number you could call just to find out "what time it was".

17. When we went to the bathroom we read shampoo bottles.

Life before smartphones:

18. This were our "gadgets"

Kids today won't know what these are.

19. If we wanted to see a movie, we had to go get it at a store.

Remember going to Blockbuster to rent movies for the weekend?

20. We used actual maps.

Life before Google Maps:

21. We ate what we were given.

Did you have the eat it or starve rule when you were kids?

22. If we wanted money, we worked for it.

When I was a kid, if you wanted money, you worked for it.

23. This is how we "texted"

Texting in the '90s.

24. We didn't have tinder, we had this:

We didn't have Tinder, we had this:

25. You had to roll down the car window.

Kids today will never know the strength we needed to roll down the car window.

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