You had one job and failed terribly! Check out these hilarious photos and share the fun with someone who could use a reason to smile today.
OK, I know you can’t give your best every day at work, but these guys didn’t even try! How can you fail so badly at your job? It’s impressive, really. In this funny gallery, you’ll see all kinds of examples of people who only had one job, and failed terribly. Check out the hilarious photos and share the fun with your friends!
1. Why? How? You had one job and messed it up!
2. I'm not saying you're bad at your job, but those aren't tomatoes.
3. I have no words.
4. If only you could have placed this bench a little more at the left...
5. So nice of you to follow the instructions...
6. I guess translation isn't included, either.
7. I'm pretty sure that's not Canada's flag...
8. You had one job...
9. Something is a little wrong here...
10. Brewed with what?!
11. Unbelievable! I really hope those doors are locked!
12. This mug! Wow!
13. Some people really don't try, at all.
14. When life gives you lemon, make lemon water:
15. Nice dog! LOL!
16. This guy really failed at his job!
17. Surprise!
18. Cake decorator of the year:
19. This Mc Donald's employee really messed up:
20. When you don't really care about your job...
21. This is a very unfortunate mistake:
22. World War 11? Are you sure?
23. When you sucky suck-suck at your jobby job-job.
24. And he sure did!
25. You had one job, and failed terribly!
If you enjoyed this funny article, check out some more awesome jokes and hilarious stories here.
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