
The Finalists Of The 2020 Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards

Finalists Of The 2020 Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards

These wildlife images are so funny! Check out the best photos in 2020!

Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards is a fun competition that awards funny wildlife photos. Of course, their mission is bigger, as they put it:

“Through the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards, we want to promote positive awareness of global conservation issues for the preservation of biodiversity and the health and prosperity of the human race.”

I think this is a beautiful project, and I’m strongly encouraging you to check out their website and their Facebook page.

1. Hey! That's not very polite of you!

Finalists Of The 2020 Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards

2. When you're hangover and your friends force you to go jogging:

Finalists Of The 2020 Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards

3. Me and my husband in all our photos:

Finalists Of The 2020 Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards

4. We all have that one friend:

Finalists Of The 2020 Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards

5. Please, please, please let spring come sooner!

Finalists Of The 2020 Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards

6. This is a stunning photo!

Finalists Of The 2020 Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards

7. Rules are for pussies!

Finalists Of The 2020 Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards

8. Me, when I see someone I know at the store:

Finalists Of The 2020 Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards

9. How you doin'?

Finalists Of The 2020 Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards

10. Is this how raccoons are born?

Finalists Of The 2020 Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards

11. Leave me alone. You ate yours.

Finalists Of The 2020 Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards

12. When Mom kisses you in front of your friends.

Finalists Of The 2020 Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards

13. No way! She said that?

Finalists Of The 2020 Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards

14. Me thinking 'I could eat' after I've just finished eating.

Finalists Of The 2020 Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards

15. 3...2...1... Ready or not, here I come!

Finalists Of The 2020 Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards

16. Me, after a long week.

Finalists Of The 2020 Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards

17. One minute you're young and fun, and then...

Finalists Of The 2020 Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards

18. Excuse me, Ma'am. Please maintain social distancing.

Finalists Of The 2020 Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards

19. My family waiting for dinner to be ready.

Finalists Of The 2020 Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards

20. Getting the nails done...

Finalists Of The 2020 Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards

21. No one can see me here!

Finalists Of The 2020 Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards

22. Hi there!

Finalists Of The 2020 Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards

23. Thanks for stopping by!

Finalists Of The 2020 Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards

24. How elephants 'hold hands'

Finalists Of The 2020 Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards

25. You're not gonna believe what I've heard about Brenda.

Finalists Of The 2020 Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards

26. Me, remembering a joke I've heard.

Finalists Of The 2020 Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards

27. Oh, look! A penny!

Finalists Of The 2020 Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards

28. My face when I read the news nowadays:

Finalists Of The 2020 Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards

29. Shhht! Be quiet!

Finalists Of The 2020 Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards

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