Whoever designed these signs hasn’t thought things through. They are so poorly designed, you have to look twice to understand what they meant.
When I saw these hilarious signs… well, first I laughed out loud. But then, I couldn’t stop but wonder ‘What were these people thinking?’ These signs are so poorly designed, they got a completely different meaning than first intended. And they’re hysterical. Check them out and prepare to roll on the floor laughing.
1. I agree! Pets shouldn't be cooking bicycles!
2. So will there be blood?
3. Where do we buy tickets?
4. Do not exceed 20 children?
5. That's just mean!
6. What? No matter how you read this, it doesn't make sense!
7. 'Die for succes'. Yeah, many people do!
8. And how do you check if they have gas?
9. Stand Hong With Kong!
10. Such a terrible design fail!
11. I'm not sure we can stop earth, even if the denying is dying.
12. I don't have a Russian child, sorry!
13. Thanks, but I don't need your help.
14. Pumpkin flu and a spice shot?
15. What?
16. Good! No one wants smoking bare feet pets in their building!
17. This sounds like the perfect drug place!
18. Let Electricity do what exactly?
19. People should really stop eating children in that area, or any other area.
20. This is my personal motto:
21. So, where do I go if I'm not a disabled elderly pregnant child?
22. No safety, smoking first?
23. Please don't!
24. But I don't wanna beat the children!
25. This sign gave me a headache.
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