
25 Funny Posts That Made Us Laugh This Week

Check out these funny memes, enjoy a good laugh, and share the fun with anyone who could use a reason to smile today!

A day without laughter is a day wasted, don’t you think? Today won’t be that day, because I found these fun memes and I really wanted to share them with you! Check them out, enjoy a good laugh, and make sure you share them with anyone who could use a reason to smile!

1. I hope you've seen that video with the lawyer who couldn't turn off his cat filter.

Funny article hilarious random memes: I am not a cat is exactly the kind of thing a cat pretending to be a lawyer would say.

2. I'm gonna soothe my soul with a tomato soup tonight!

Funny article hilarious random memes: There's nothing like a little tomato soup to soothe the soul. Even if it's cold. Over ice. With a celery stalk. And vodka.

3. Remember how we used to show up at each other's houses when we were kids?

Funny article hilarious random memes: When your friends used to show up at your door to come out and play...

4. No wonder he's missing!

Funny article hilarious random memes: Missing, last seen: Feb 14th, presumed dead. husband gives wife iron and cleaning supplies on a tray.

5. With every glass it tastes more and more like I'm about to tell you how I really feel!

Funny article hilarious random memes: This whiskey tastes like I'm about to tell you how I really feel.

6. This weather is getting ridiculous!

Funny article hilarious random memes: This is getting ridiculous!

7. Yeah! Name one!

Funny article hilarious random memes: If you're a real fan of the Beatles, name one of their songs besides "Bohemian Rhapsody"

8. This is one of the funniest memes I've seen lately.

Funny article hilarious random memes: My friends said I should get a red one, but I really like my van in white.

9. A decision was made here:

Funny article hilarious random memes: A decision was made

10. This word is so, so beautiful.

Funny article hilarious random memes: I just found my favorite Japanese word

11. I could use one of these pillow hats...

Funny article hilarious random memes: When you're ready to nap at any given moment:

12. No matter who you are, wife is wife!

Funny article hilarious random memes: Wife is wife, no matter who you are:

13. Does anyone know? Who should I call?

Funny article hilarious random memes: Do I need an electrician or a plumber?

14. I feel so bad for that person...

Funny article hilarious random memes: Someone's day was ruined.

15. He should, I mean he drew us a sketch with all the instructions!

Funny article hilarious random memes: Leonardo Da Vinci doesn't get enough credit for leaving us instructions on how to make snow angels.

16. What do you mean?

Funny article hilarious random memes: When you say you're bored and someone suggests some form of exercise:

17. Take your time with this one... you'll discover all kinds of new, more disturbing details.

Funny article hilarious random memes: The longer you look, the worse it gets.

18. This seems nice...

Funny article hilarious random memes: What are your Valentine's Day plans?

19. Such a special moment, wow! Amazing!

Funny article hilarious random memes: Someone captured the special moment when a street sign dies and its spirit leaves its body.

20. Kids today are so much smarter than we were!

Funny article hilarious random memes: Today's 3-year-olds can switch on laptops and open their favorite apps. Me? When I was 3, I ate mud.

21. Sure, I have special skills!

Funny article hilarious random memes: Do you have any special skills? Me:

22. This is hilarious!

Funny article hilarious random memes: When you've ignored the laundry for 2 whole weeks and finally have to deal with it.

23. Be careful, it's dangerous!

Funny article hilarious random memes: Be safe out there! Due to the slippery sidewalks, I just slid into the liquor store again.

24. OMG, he's so cute!

Funny article hilarious random memes: When your life is falling apart but it's ok because your Hogwarts acceptance letter will be here any minute now

25. Worst Uber ever, indeed!

Funny article hilarious random memes: worst Uber ever

If you enjoyed these hilarious memes, check out some more funny articles, awesome jokes, and hilarious stories here

We’d love to keep in touch! Follow us on our Bouncy Mustard Facebook Page and join our Smile While You Still Have Teeth humor group for more fun posts.

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Animals Make Us Laugh

The Beauty Of Positive Thinking

Animals Make Us Laugh

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