
25 Funny Photos Showing That Motherhood Is Just As Hard For Animals As It Is For Humans

funny face expression animal mothers

Parenting is scary, and these funny animal expressions perfectly sum up what it’s like to be a mother.

The new animal parents in this funny gallery were obviously not expecting this whole baby experience to be so difficult. The moms are exhausted, and you can see it on their faces that they’ve had enough. Most of the expressions on the faces of these animal parents are familiar, as we’ve seen them before… on the human moms around us. I guess motherhood is a tough job, no matter what species you are.

1. "Yay."

funny face expression animal mothers

2. Poor cat mom fell asleep while feeding the babies.

funny face expression animal mothers

3. "They're so cute when they're quiet..."

funny face expression animal mothers

4. When you're hiding in the bathroom but the kids find you.

funny face expression animal mothers

5. "What have I done?"

funny face expression animal mothers

6. "I can't even take a nap..."

funny face expression animal mothers

7. "I'm never doing this again."

funny face expression animal mothers

8. The face of a first time - very tired - mom.

funny face expression animal mothers

9. "Can't they leave me alone for just a second?"

funny face expression animal mothers

10. "Moooooom!"

funny face expression animal mothers

11. That moment when you decide you don't want any kids.

funny face expression animal mothers

12. She just needs some alone time.

funny face expression animal mothers

13. "Will this ever end?"

funny face expression animal mothers

14. It was Dad's turn to watch the kids.

funny face expression animal mothers

15. When the kids start copying your every move.

funny face expression animal mothers

16. "Please, make it stop!"

funny face expression animal mothers

17. "Help."

funny face expression animal mothers

18. "I haven't slept in three weeks."

funny face expression animal mothers

19. They always say "sleep when they sleep."

funny face expression animal mothers

20. "Mooom, wake up... I'm hungry..."

funny face expression animal mothers

21. "Mom is my favorite bed."

funny face expression animal mothers

22. When you find out you're pregnant. Again.

funny face expression animal mothers

23. "Let's play! Let's play!"

funny face expression animal mothers

24. "That's it. I'm getting fixed."

funny face expression animal mothers

25. "What was I thinking?"

funny face expression animal mothers

If you enjoyed these hilarious animal parents, check out this cute gallery next:

Animals Make Us Laugh

The Beauty Of Positive Thinking

Animals Make Us Laugh

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