
25 Basic Manners And Social Etiquette Rules People Often Lack

Basic Manners And Social Etiquette Rules People Often Lack

What is one etiquette rule that is often ignored? Here are 25 basic manners I think everyone should know. Add yours in the comments!

1. If you're dining with other people, wait for everyone to be served before you start digging in.

Basic Manners And Social Etiquette Rules People Often Lack

2. Don't call people after 9 PM.

Basic Manners And Social Etiquette Rules People Often Lack

3. Don't just drop unannounced at someone's house. Wait for an invitation.

Basic Manners And Social Etiquette Rules People Often Lack

4. Don't call people at lunchtime.

Basic Manners And Social Etiquette Rules People Often Lack

5. Mind your own business. Don't meddle in people's lives out of boredom.

Basic Manners And Social Etiquette Rules People Often Lack

6. Don't open the fridge in someone else's house.

Basic Manners And Social Etiquette Rules People Often Lack

7. Don't keep things that are not food-related on the table: keys, phone, or wallet.

Basic Manners And Social Etiquette Rules People Often Lack

8. Dress for the occasion. Even though you look sexy in your tight black dress, you don't wear it at a funeral, just as you shouldn't wear white at someone else's wedding.

Basic Manners And Social Etiquette Rules People Often Lack

9. Don't put people on speakerphone without telling them.

Basic Manners And Social Etiquette Rules People Often Lack

10. Don't send work texts or emails outside business hours.

Basic Manners And Social Etiquette Rules People Often Lack

11. Don't gossip.

Basic Manners And Social Etiquette Rules People Often Lack

12. Stay at home if you're sick. Don't go to work, meet friends, or attend parties, not even if it's "just a cold".

Basic Manners And Social Etiquette Rules People Often Lack

13. Don't let your guests drive drunk. Offer them your guestroom, or call them a cab.

Basic Manners And Social Etiquette Rules People Often Lack

14. Don't stop in the middle of the sidewalk to read your messages.

Basic Manners And Social Etiquette Rules People Often Lack

15. Don't listen to music too loudly.

Basic Manners And Social Etiquette Rules People Often Lack

16. When you talk to someone, take off your sunglasses and earbuds.

Basic Manners And Social Etiquette Rules People Often Lack

17. Don't talk too loudly in public.

Basic Manners And Social Etiquette Rules People Often Lack

18. Never show up empty-handed.

Basic Manners And Social Etiquette Rules People Often Lack

19. Clean up after your pet.

Basic Manners And Social Etiquette Rules People Often Lack

20. Offer your seat to elders, pregnant women, or people who need it more than you.

Basic Manners And Social Etiquette Rules People Often Lack

21. Never yell or wave your hand at a waiter while dining.

Basic Manners And Social Etiquette Rules People Often Lack

22. Say "Hello", "Goodbye", "Please", and "Thank You".

Basic Manners And Social Etiquette Rules People Often Lack

23. Hold the door for the person behind you.

Basic Manners And Social Etiquette Rules People Often Lack

24. Teach your kids manners.

Basic Manners And Social Etiquette Rules People Often Lack

25. Be punctual.

Basic Manners And Social Etiquette Rules People Often Lack

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