
20 Hilarious Pictures Proving Why FONTS MATTER

Funny Design Fails Fonts Matter

These font choices are just terrible! Check out these hilarious pictures and share the laughs with everyone who could use a reason to smile today.

Oh. My. God. I laughed so hard making this gallery! These 20 hilarious pictures are proof that it doesn’t just matter WHAT you write, but also HOW you write it. The font. The spacing between letters. The placement. And after you’re done writing it, check it one more time before you send it to production. Because the results can be seriously NSFW.

1. Yeah, I know it says 'tarts', but my brain wants to see 'farts'.

Funny Design Fails Fonts Matter key lime tarts

2. I love cow...?

Funny Design Fails Fonts Matter I love Coco

3. This font fail is hilarious!

Funny Design Fails Fonts Matter Fine Fart

4. "We light the halls with our education." If only they had chosen a different font...

Funny Design Fails Fonts Matter light the halls

5. How could they not see it? How?

Funny Design Fails Fonts Matter Megaflicks

6. This person's handwriting made me think they're selling demons at the store!

Funny Design Fails Fonts Matter Demons Lemons

7. Hahaha! This one's hilarious:

Funny Design Fails Fonts Matter $exchange

8. There are so many nice fonts that are more than perfect to write the word Aunt, yet some people keep choosing fonts like this one.

Funny Design Fails Fonts Matter Special Aunt

9. They should've chosen a different font to write 'Flickering Lights'

Funny Design Fails Fonts Matter Flickering Lights

10. I wanna believe they meant to write FIT FOREVER, but I think we can all agree this is the opposite.

Funny Design Fails Fonts Matter Fitforever

11. Is is Fast Taco? Is it Fart Taco? We'll never know.

Funny Design Fails Fonts Matter Fast Taco

12. This is an epic design fail:

Funny Design Fails Fonts Matter Suit Yourself

13. What?! KKKBOXING?

Funny Design Fails Fonts Matter Kickboxing

14. Super what? I wouldn't wear this, lol:

Funny Design Fails Fonts Matter Super Hitters

15. A nice guide on how to trap a fairy...

Funny Design Fails Fonts Matter Trapping A fairy

16. The font choice on this Levi's t-shirt...

Funny Design Fails Fonts Matter Levi's

17. I say we should all stop writing the word 'flick' in all caps.

Funny Design Fails Fonts Matter Flick Off Friday

18. I think whoever designed this wanted to pull a prank on 'click lovers'. Seriously, how can you not see it?

Funny Design Fails Fonts Matter Click lovers

19. Tubes? Pubes? Hmm...

Funny Design Fails Fonts Matter Tubes

20. Welcome to BULL TITAN US.

Funny Design Fails Fonts Matter Bull Titan US

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