
13 Funny Tips For Christmas

Christmas is almost here, so check out these funny tips!

Here are some random funny tips to help you spend Christmas like a pro! You’d think that after all these years you’ve got the Holidays figured out, but I bet there is a funny life hack in this list that will surprise you.

I’m sure you know how to decorate a Christmas tree, but do you know what to do if your tree is too tall and won’t fit in your house? Good news! You’ll find out this and 12 more funny Christmas tips in the cool list below. Check them out, enjoy the fun, and make sure you share the laughs with your friends!

1. Here's a funny tip! What to do when you run out of Christmas wrapping paper? A sharpie will fix it!

Life hack funny Christmas tip: what to do when you run out of Christmas wrapping paper

2. Here's another funny Christmas tip. If your kids misbehave, this trick will definitely work!

Life hack funny Christmas tip: Wrap empty oxes and put them under the tree. Every time kids act up, throw one in the fireplace.

3. Christmas tip #3: Don't ever drink and wrap presents!

Life hack funny Christmas tip: DO not drink and wrap presents! Also, if anyone gets a remote control for Christmas, I'm gonna need that back.

4. Here's what to do if your gingerbread fails:

Life hack funny Christmas tip: what to do if your gingerbread fails - just add dinosaur.

5. Great life hack! Your pants won't get too tight if you're not wearing any. And 2020 is the year to try it.

Life hack funny Christmas tip: your pants won't get too tight if you're not wearing any.

6. Please remember this funny Christmas tip for these Holidays and the ones to come.

Life hack funny Christmas tip: Don't ever chew on the Christmas lights.

7. If you get bored on Christmas, join us for this very fun drinking game.

Life hack funny Christmas tip: funny Christmas drinking game

8. What to do with a Christmas tree that's too tall for your house? I love this fun Christmas idea!

Life hack funny Christmas tip: Fun Christmas idea for those who want to freak out their neighbors tree through roof

9. Here are two more tips for Christmas, please focus on the second one!

Life hack funny Christmas tip: forget the past, you can't change it. forget the present, I didn't get you one.

10. This life hack is amazing! And actually useful.

Life hack funny Christmas tip: Photo tip, put your boyfriend at the side of your family, in case you need to remove him later.

11. This should do the trick!

Life hack funny Christmas tip: how get rid of unwanted junk during holidays.

12. Your relatives stopped talking to each other? Here's how you can fix it! This Christmas tip is hilarious:

Life hack funny Christmas tip: hot get your relatives speaking to each other. Send a heartfelt Christmas card with a picture of your family and an extra child nobody knows.

13. And finally, the most important advice for the Holidays. You don't want to ruin your Christmas, right?

Life hack funny Christmas tip: don't forget to set your scales back ten pounds on Christmas

If you enjoyed this funny article, check out some more awesome jokes and hilarious stories here.

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