There’s a little bit of truth in these marriage jokes.
Marriage is so much fun if you’re married to the right person. For my husband and me, it’s always about laughter and having fun together. I love being married, and I wouldn’t trade my life for anything. We have a normal happy marriage and I can totally relate to these funny memes!
If you’ve ever been married, you’ll probably notice that all these jokes about marriage have a little bit of truth in them! Check out these funny marriage memes, and share your fun with your friends!
1. Hilarious! I should try it with my husband, and see his reaction.
2. Yikes! Have you ever noticed this?
3. Yeah, hard work! You deserve a statue!
4. I know we can all agree on this one!
5. Dirty talk after marriage:
6. LOL! Funny, but I don't fully agree. The husband can be right, sometimes, don't you think?
7. Jim Carrey's hilarious tweet is so on point. Kinda creepy when you put it like this, though.
8. Jim doesn't look stressed at all!
9. Yeah, would have been nice...
10. Yeah. This one is true for all marriages!
If you enjoyed these hilarious memes, check out some more funny articles, awesome jokes, and hilarious stories here.
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